Frequently Asked Questions – Sept 2013

Because inquiring minds want to know…

We’ve gotten a variety of questions via email and social media (FB / TWT) and we thought we would take the opportunity to answer some of the more common ones. Got a burning (..brothers…) question, let us know.

1) When are you going to open?
While we can’t give a definitive date, we can tell you where things are at. The brewing equipment is en route with an ETA of around October 1st (yes, we can almost taste it…the beer that is, not the stainless, although…). It will take a few weeks to setup, install and calibrate, and then another couple of weeks to ferment the first batches. Also, we are still working through the approval process with the state and the city so that all the various agencies can be happy. All of that being said, it’s looking like November is the time frame we are looking at as of right now.

2) Where can I find your tasty beverages?
Once our tasty beverages are safe and sound in liquor stores, restaurants and bars, we’ll have a link on the website that you can use to locate them. We’ll also shout out to the world at large via the usual suspects of email, tweets, etc.

3) Are you going to have a tap room/growlers?
Yes and yes. We are thinking that we’ll be open 2 to 3 nights per week as well as on Saturday afternoons.Hours will be posted when we are ready/approved.

4) Do you “de-glutenize” your beer?
It can’t be done. One can reduce the amount of gluten in a beer by adding enzymes, however there is currently no scientific means of completely removing gluten from a gluten-based beer. Know what you’re putting in your body. Read your labels. “Crafted to remove gluten” doesn’t specify how much gluten has been removed. The only way to know for sure is start without. No gluten in means no gluten out.

5) What can I do to help?
Spread the word…. and cookies… we like cookies. No, seriously, send people our way via the website, Facebook, Twitter, carrier pigeon, smoke signals, etc. We love to hear from you and appreciate all the support!

Dane, Gabe and Thom